الخميس, فبراير 20, 2025

CEET Master of Technology in Power Systems MEPT Graduate Study Admission Exam

General Exam:

Suggested topics include analysis techniques of DC and AC circuits, mathematical expressions for electrical signals, response of first and second order circuits. Analysis techniques in frequency domain, power factor correction, peak and effective values of current and voltage, three phase circuits, Fourier Series, Laplace Transform.

Specialization Exam:
Suggested topics include:
1.1. Electrical Machines I
Topics include: transformer, DC generators, DC motors.

1.2. Electrical Machines II
Topics include induction motor, synchronous generator, and stepper motor.

1.3. Power System Analysis I
Topics include single line diagram of power system in per unit quantities, transmission line modelling and voltage regulation and efficiency.

1.4. Power System Analysis II
Topics include power flow study, symmetrical components, and fault calculations.

مكتب الدراسات العليا
كلية التقنية الكهربائية والالكترونية – بنغازي
متفرع من طريق العروبة – مقابل مدخل حي بوصنيب – منطقة القوارشة

 لمزيد من الأستفسارات يرجى مراسلة البريد الالكتروني : ogs@ceet.edu.ly